First Meeting: 16 January 2024

Class Timings: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM 

Course Description: 

Singular value decomposition for matrices and operators. Least-squares problems. Integral equations and inverse problems (deconvolution, denoising). Need for regularisation. L-curve, Cross-validation. Numerical methods: iterative, projection and Krylov-subspace. Beyond the 2-norm. 

Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces: definitions, properties and characterisation. Operations on kernels. Interpolation and approximation. Negative definite functions. Applications to machine learning. Mercer's theorem.

  1. Hansen. Discrete inverse problems: insight and algorithms Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2010 
  2. Paulsen and Raghupathi. An introduction to the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces Cambridge University Press 2016 
  3.  Trefethen and Bau. Numerical linear algebra Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2022

Course evaluation:
  • Homeworks 90 % 
  • Project 10 %

Prerequisites: Basic concepts from linear algebra. Familiarity with Python, R or similar langauges is assumed. Preferable: Functional analysis