Venue: Feynman Lecture Hall
Class Timings: Mondays & Wednesdays from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
First Meeting: 12 August 2024
Course Description:
- Review of Group Theory, Permutation groups, Cayley's theorem, Sylow Theorems.
- Review of Rings, modules over rings, integral domains and their fields of fractions. Matrix rings.
- Spectral theorem, bilinear forms, inner product spaces, unitary, self adjoint, normal and isometric transformations, spectral theorem.
- Field Theory, algebraic and transcendental extensions, finite fields, Wedderburn theorem for finite division rings.
Course Evaluation: 40 % assignments (there will be four of these) and 60 % final.
- Teacher: Tyakal Nanjundiah Venkataramana