Venue: Emmy Noether Seminar Room
Class timings: 10:00 AM -11:30 AM on Mondays & Fridays
First meeting: 11th August 2022
Course description:
Topology: Some preliminaries, Fundamental group, covering spaces; Homology theory.
Geometry: Differentiable manifolds, tangent and cotangent spaces, vector fields and their flows, differential forms, de Rham cohomology.
Books: Topology( Munkres) , Algebraic topology (Munkres) , Introduction to smooth manifolds (Lee), Geometry , Topology and Physics (Nakahara).
Course evaluation:
20% HW, 40% Mid-term exam, 40% final exam- Teacher: Rukmini Dey
Credit Score: 4
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 813 6276 2516 Passcode: 858586