Venue: Feynman Lecture Hall
Class Timings: 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
First Class: 9th January 2023
Course Description:
a) Introduction, electrons in a metal, Drude and Sommerfeld theories, thermal transport, specific heat, electrons in electric and magnetic fields, Landau levels, integer quantum Hall effect
(b) Band structure : electrons in 1 dimension, tight-binding and nearly free models, lattices, reciprocal spaces, Brillouin zone, Bloch theorem, 2 and 3d bands, graphene, Bragg scattering, Fermi surfaces
(c) Phonons, second quantisation, Debye and Einstein model,
(d) Landauer-Buttiker theory of transport
(e) Magnetism, para- and dia- magnets, spin models, mean field theory, spin waves
(f) Superconductivity, phenomenology, Landau-Ginzburg theory, BCS theory
•Solid State Physics ( Lecture notes) - Steve Simon
• Solid state physics (Lecture notes) - David Tong
• Solid state physics - Ashcroft and Mermin
• for (d) Electron transport in mesoscopic systems - Supriya Datta
Course Evaluation: 40% home work, 30% mid-term and 30% final
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics, basic statistical mechanics (distributions and partition functions)
- Teacher: Sumathi Rao