Enrolment options

Venue: Emmy Noether Seminar Room

Class Timings: Mondays from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

First Meeting: 28 August 2023

Course Description: This course will serve as an introduction to ongoing research in various subject areas at ICTS, with the goal of helping fresh graduate students identify interesting problems to take up during their own PhD. These sessions are compulsory for all first-year physics students (PhD as well as IPhD). Each session will be given by one faculty member about the work done in their groups. These lectures will be interactive, so as to encourage discussions between students and the speaker. Each students will be required to submit a two to four page summary of what was discussed in at least half of these lectures (students choose which classes they want to summarize). As part of their summaries, students are encouraged to identify an interesting open problem they found interesting in the research area summarized in that class.

Course Evaluation: Assignments: 100%.

Each student will be required to submit a 2-4 page originally worded summary of the research topics discussed in these classes. For the final grade, the best N/2 assignment submitted will be used for each student, where N is the number of total classes in the course (therefore, students must write at least N/2 research summaries, and they are free to choose which N/2 lectures they want to summarize). As part of their summaries, students are encouraged to identify an interesting open problem they found interesting in the research area summarized during that class.

Course Schedule: Link

Credit Score: 2
Self enrolment (Student)