Enrolment options

Venue: Chern Lecture Hall

First  meeting: 17 January 2024 

Class Timings: Wednesdays from 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 

Course Description: 

  • Students will perform four experiments, devoting approximately three weeks to each experiment (see below for the suggested timeline). For extra credit, they can do experiments 5 and/or 6.

  • Students will work in groups of two and are expected to devote 8 − 10 hours per week to this course. 

  • At the end of the allotted two-week period for each experiment, students will give a short preliminary presentation.  

  • The students will make a final presentation at the end of the 3rd week. 

  • All experiments should be completed by April 15. Based on discussions and feedback received in the presentations, students can perform more experiments to improve their work.  They have to submit a final report describing briefly the theory behind the experiments, and the experimental procedures,  present the data and analysis and the main conclusions. They are encouraged to comment on the challenges, open questions, and advice for future students.

  • List of the experiments:

  1. Schlieren Imaging.

  2. Faraday Instability in a liquid.

  3. Soap film experiments.

  4. Kapitza Pendulum built with a needle and a guitar string.

  5. Widnall Instability.

  6. Van de Graaff generator.

  • Timeline for the Lab Course


  1. (40%) based on the ability to innovate, find solutions to experimental challenges and eventually build a good set-up and present sound data analysis.   

  2. (30%) Participation in discussions, ability to answer questions and demonstration of theoretical understanding of the experiments.

  3. (30%) Written report and presentation for all the experiments.

Credit Score: 8
Self enrolment (Student)