Enrolment options

Venue: Feynman Lecture Hall

Class Timings: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:45 AM-11: 15 AM (Jointly offered at ICTS and ISI).

First Meeting: 8 August 2024

Course Syllabus: 

  1. Revision of Measure theory: probability spaces, distributions, random variables, standard random variable examples, expected value, inequalities (Holder, Cauchy-Schwarz, Jensen, Markov, Chebyshev) , convergence notions(convergence in probability and almost sure, Lp), application of DCT, MCT, Fatou with examples, Revision of Fubinis theorem.
  2. Independence, sum of random variables, constructing independent random vari ables, weak law of large numbers, Borel-Cantelli lemmas, First and Second Moment methods, Chernoff bounds and some applications.
  3. Strong law of large number, Kolmogorov 0-1 law. Convergence of random series. Kolmogorovs three series theorem.
  4. Weak convergence, tightness, characteristic functions with examples, Central limit theorem (iid sequence and triangular array).
  5. Discrete Time Markov Chains
  1. Texts (with Chapters to be followed) 
  2. [J06] Chapters 1-5,9,10,11 in A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory by Jeffrey S. Rosenthal 
  3. [AS08] Chapters 1-5 in Measure and Probability by Siva Athreya and V.S. Sunder
  4. [CT01]Chapter 3-5 in Probability Theory: Independence, Interchangeability,
  5. Martingales (Springer Texts in Statistics) 3rd Edition by Yuan Shih Chow and Henry Teicher 
We will indicate specific sections in the Topics Covered column as the course progresses. 

Other References
  1. Rick Durrett: Probability (Theory and Examples).
  2. Patrick Billingsley: Probability and measure.
  3. Robert Ash: Basic probability theory.
  4. Leo Breiman: Probability.
  5. David Williams: Probability with Martingales.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Probability course and Undergraduate Advanced Calculus/Real Analysis course. Measure Theory course will be helpful but not essential.

Credit Score: 4
Self enrolment (Student)