Venue: Chern Lecture Hall
Class Timings: Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:45 AM -11:15 AM
First Meeting: 7 January 2025
Course Description:
- Rapid review of relevant point-set topology.
- Covering spaces and fundamental groups, van Kampen's theorem and classification of surfaces.
- CW complexes, basics of homology and cohomology (singular and cellular); the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, excision, Künneth and universal coefficient theorems, isomorphism with de Rham cohomology.
- Cup and cap products, Poincaré duality, Alexander duality, Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
- Optional topics: Higher homotopy groups, Whitehead's theorem, fibrations and cofibrations, Freudenthal suspension theorem, Blakers-Massey theorem.
Course Outcomes:
- Develop a foundational understanding of key concepts in algebraic topology.
- Apply homology and cohomology theories to analyze the properties of topological spaces
- Apply representation theory to various problems.
- Teacher: Pranav Pandit
Credit Score: 4