Venue: Online
Class timings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 09:15 AM to 10:45 AM
First meeting: 20th September 2021
Course description:
Mathematical preliminaries of quantum mechanics: Linear Algebra; Hilbert spaces (states and operators)
Heisenberg and Schrodinger pictures
Symmetries: Role of symmetries and types (space-time and internal, discrete and continuous); Symmetries and quantum numbers; Simple examples of symmetry (Translation, parity, time-reversal); Rotations and representation theory of Angular momentum; Creation and annihilation operator formalism for a simple harmonic oscillator.
Perturbation Theory
We will also study some additional topics, including some elements of quantum information theory.
Textbook: Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai
Course evaluation:
Assignments (typically one every two weeks): 60 %
2-month Term paper + presentation at the end of the semester (topics to be listed after the course starts): 20 %
End sem exam (in-class if situation permits): 20 %
- Teacher: Subhro Bhattacharjee