Venue: Online
Class timings: Tuesday 4:00 - 5:30 PM and Friday 2:00 - 3:30 PM
First meeting: TBA
Course description: Reading course based on Ray D'Inverno book Introducing Einstein's Relativity.
Following Chapters:
5. Tensor Algebra
6.Tensor Calculus
7. Integration, Variation, Symmetry
9. Principles of General Relativity
10. Field Eqns of General Relativity
12. Energy Momentum Tensor
14. The Schwarzschild Solution
15. Experimental Tests of GR
16. Non-Rotating Black Holes
19. Rotating Black Holes
20. Plane Gravitational Waves
21. Radiation from Isolated Source
22. Relativistic Cosmology
23. Cosmological Models
Format: Two sessions a week each of 90 minutes with students presenting. Problems on the chapter for tutorials.
Presentation of Lectures - 40%
Problem sheet - 30%
Final viva - 30%
- Teacher: Bala Iyer