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Venue: Online
Timings: Saturdays 10 to 12 and Fridays 5 to 7 for one on one tutorials
Class structure: Weekly problem-solving sets/reading assignments followed by classroom discussions/presentations of the same
Course description:
1. Basic thermodynamics: Ideal gas laws, thermodynamics of vapour etc
2. Basic Fluid Mechanics: Equations of motion, instabilities
3. Coupling of scalar fields in multiphase flows
4. Evaporation and condensation
5. Buoyancy
6. Droplet dynamics
7. Collisions and coalescences
8. Smoluchowski equation, kernels and coagulation models
9. Application of ideas to model clouds

Text books:
1. White, Fluid Mechanics
2. Pope, Turbulent Flows
3. Reif, Fundamentals Of Statistical And Thermal Physics
4. Yau and Rogers, A Short Course in Cloud Physics
5. Pruppacher and Klett, Microphysics of Clouds

These will be supplemented by research and review papers as and when necessary.

Course evaluation: Continuous assessment based on weekly assignments [70%] + End Term Presentation [30%]

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