Enrolment options

Venue: Chern Lecture Hall

First Meeting: 8 January 2024

Class Timings: Mondays from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM & Thursdays from 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Course Description: This course will provide a concise introduction to astronomical objects e.g. stars, galaxies, the different kinds of observations that are being made today, and a basic model for each . This will include the relevant physics when not already covered in the prerequisites. It is aimed at new entrants to the graduate programme, (second semester) or others who may want some basic astrophysical background for their own research, or out of general interest.


  • Astrophysics for Physicists by Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Cambridge university press, 2010 
  • An Introduction to modern astrophysics Carroll and Ostlie Addison Wesley 2007

Course Evaluation: Will be based on assignments which fill in details and applications outlined in the lectures, and one presentation of a topic (different for each student) going into more depth than in the course, based on independent study of available materials.

Course Outcome: For new entrants to the graduate programme, it will prepare them to do second year projects in the more advanced areas of astrophysics being pursued at ICTS, help them decide whether to pursue a PhD in those areas. For those who go into research in other areas e.g. condensed matter, particle physics etc. it would act as a basic introduction to the subject.

Perquisites: Basic knowledge of condensed matter physics at the level of Ashcroft and Mermin, second quantization, relativistic quantum mechanics

Self enrolment (Student)